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Smart glass. Now wireless

Andluca is developing intelligent, efficient, and wellness-enhancing windows. Their smart glass products harvest UV and produce power, while at the same time transmitting visible and infrared light as they are fully transparent.

Branded illustration for tech startup
Web Design & Dev.
Web Development
Brand Identity
Motion & Illustrations
Cleantech / Energy
B2B Services

Andluca is a deeptech startup enabling wireless smart glass technologies for more efficient, comfortable, and secure buildings. They approached us for their website redesign in order to establish a more mature presence for their startup. After our initial call, we agreed that the best strategy for reaching a more sophisticated appearance was to enhance their current brand and visual identity as a first step, including custom illustrations to represent their complex product. The last step would be the improvement and launch of their website. 

Concept & Strategy

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the Strategy

The overall goal was to establish a more mature online presence for the deeptech startup. Therefore, after analyzing the briefing and getting in-depth knowledge of Andluca's product, we tweaked their former visual identity to translate it into a more sophisticated appearance. Due to technical product features, the renewed brand should communicate the concept of transparency—we aimed to integrate it across their brand touchpoints via iconography, illustrations, and imagery. 


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the Web

The enhanced branding allowed us to create a mature web presence for Andluca. It not only serves to establish trust amongst prospects and investors but also to explain the smart glass products. Therefore, the new digital home is friendly and approachable, yet sophisticated, and depicts the product's benefits at one glance. The effective combination of photography and branded illustrations is key to grasping the user's attention and conveying Andluca's message. 

"The Branx’s team effectively guided us through a comprehensive design process."

We greatly enjoyed working with them to refresh our digital identity and highly recommend them as a partner for preparing your brand and website for a growing audience.

Noah Reimers

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