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In the news. Here are some newsworthy insights and startup branding tips we wanted to share with you to make your branding your differentiator.

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Startup News
Jul 3, 2024

Latest 2024 startup trends: What happened in Q2?

Find out how and which energy, deep tech, and AI startups have been gaining momentum in the first half of 2024.
Jun 20, 2024

Top 5 B2C brandings to watch: Brand identity ranking Video

The top 5 B2C brands to watch out in 2024. Find out who leads our ranking.
May 30, 2024

How to read a brand book: The ultimate guide to easy brand application

Are you ready to launch? In this guide we show you how to apply your brand.
May 15, 2024

Bold, structured, and interactive: The latest UI design trends

The latest UI design trends are all about boldness, structure, and user engagement.
Startup News
Apr 12, 2024

Startup investment trends in Q1: Growth momentum & new venture opportunities

The key trends in startup investments in Q1 2024: an overview of emerging sectors and top-funded regions.
Web design
Apr 2, 2024

Behind the screens: How and why we rebranded our website

Creativity is often seen as limitless. For the rebranding of our web, the challenge was to determine our own limits and to work within them.
Web design
Feb 27, 2024

How to create a high-converting SaaS landing page

Your startup's homepage is not a landing page. Landing pages convert leads into active customers. This is how to do it right.
Feb 15, 2024

The perfect match: A guide to creating coherence between visual and verbal identity

Why do startups need a verbal identity and why is it important for the overall brand experience? In this guide, we put the puzzle together.
Startup News
Jan 4, 2024

Out with the old, in with the new: 2024 startup branding trends

Catch up on the 2024 branding trends to make your startup fit your sector and the needs of your target market.
Nov 23, 2023

5 essential KPIs to measure your tech company’s branding success

This article discusses the benefits of branding/rebranding for your business in the short and long term. We've compiled a list of KPIs that will help you determine if your branding efforts are paying off.
Web design
Oct 27, 2023

The role of AI for web development: Reshaping the digital horizon for the better? (3/3)

The last part of our trilogy: why there is no way that AI will replace the human eye for detail in web development.
Web design
Oct 20, 2023

The role of AI for web design: Reshaping the digital horizon for the better? (2/3)

The second part of our trilogy: all that glitters in web design is not (AI) gold.
Web design
Oct 13, 2023

The role of AI for websites: Reshaping the digital horizon for the better? (1/3)

The first part of our trilogy: why AI is a double-edged sword for website copywriting and wireframing.
Startup News
Sep 28, 2023

One, two, pitch: How to create a successful startup pitch deck

Pitching is not easy. But don't worry, we've got you covered. Tips and a free startup pitch deck template here.
Startup News
Sep 5, 2023

On camels and cash: Startup funding and the road ahead

News from the startup environment. Check out which sectors will be raising funds, how AI revolutionizes business flows, and why camels are the new unicorns.
Aug 10, 2023

How to rebrand your tech startup: From strategy to design

You know that successful rebranding is more than adjusting the typeface of your logo … right? This is how to master your rebranding from top to bottom.
Jul 31, 2023

How do you brand an AI startup? The look and feel of the latest technology

When creativity meets technology in an AI revolution: Join us as we analyze two US companies' branding strategies.
Jul 18, 2023

Tell your story: How to leverage corporate videos for startup growth

Are you looking to make an impression with branded motion graphics content? This is what you need to know when creating a corporate video for your startup.
Jun 30, 2023

What to keep in mind for your tech startup logo design

Your logo makes a lasting first impression and determines if your audience will engage with you. Learn about how to nail the logo of your tech startup.
Jun 21, 2023

Naming your startup: The ultimate guide for a successful name

Short, unique, memorizable—demands for a startup name are quite high. This is how to improve the naming process to make the right choice.
Jun 12, 2023

Can fintech be pink? The brand strategies behind three European unicorn startups

Successful startups have one thing in common: a powerful brand strategy. Let's explore how these three European unicorns are leading the startup scene.
Startup News
May 23, 2023

The top industries in which AI startups are booming

AI has entered our daily life, but what about its impact on tech startups? Find out more about how AI is revolutionizing the startup scene.
Apr 27, 2023

Hey there, early-stage startup: This is how to kick-start your branding

You've got your MVP nearly settled, but what about your branding? Let's explore why branding efforts are important for the success of your tech startup.
Web design
Apr 17, 2023

5 trends to watch out for in Web Design: It's all about the user

Optimizing user experience runs like a common thread through the web design and development trends of 2023. Find out more.
Startup News
Mar 24, 2023

Startup trends for 2023: A future-ready forecast

Up until now, 2023 has been full of ups and downs in the startup universe. Here is the latest positive news which will have an impact on the tech scene.
Feb 27, 2023

Strong product, strong brand: Is branding a must for tech startups?

No matter what stage you are in, strategic branding can help your tech startup to maximize the potential of your venture. Read this article to find out more.
Web design
Dec 1, 2022

Why web design for startups is a team effort

The input determines the output: This is how we collaborate efficiently and effectively with our clients to create engaging websites.
Nov 16, 2022

UX/UI design for tech startups: how to make users happy

Excellent UX/UI design means bringing a smile to users' lips and making them enjoy the experience. This is how to convert users into brand ambassadors.
Success Stories
Nov 7, 2022

Web Summit 2022: JoinMyTrip's success story video

“Without the right branding, without the right ideas back then, most probably we wouldn't have gone to this point.” Insights into our JoinMyTrip project.
Web design
Oct 31, 2022

How to build an agile website for startups: when tech meets creativity

What if we told you that great website performance doesn't mean cutbacks in design? Learn how to save nerves, time, and resources.
Oct 18, 2022

Brand strategy for startups, explained: how to make it right

Like every house needs a fundament, every brand needs a strategy. Dig deeper into this topic and become an expert on how to create a sophisticated brand strategy.
Web design
Sep 29, 2022

Six reasons why your startup needs a well-built website

In the real world, you have 7 seconds to make a good first impression. Well, online it only takes 3. Check out why your startup should have a well-built website.
Aug 25, 2022

5 easy steps to keep in mind for your startup branding

This step-by-step guide with examples will help startup founders pin down their branding so they can stand out from competitors and reach their audience.

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