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Building ever smarter robots

Evolve to Binary is a research lab focusing on robotics. Their mission is to create and compile the tools, techniques, and ecosystem that will allow the world to better understand and implement increasingly intelligent robotic systems.

Branded illustration for tech startup
Brand Identity
Web Design & Dev.
Web Development
Deep tech
B2B Services

Microscopic in size, cells are the smallest structural units of living matter and compose all living things. Evolve to Binary is about creating ever smarter robots by going back to humanity’s earliest lessons and first living intelligence systems, from E. coli up to more complex organisms. The Deeptech startup approached us to create a powerful brand from scratch, with an informative landing page being the next step.

Concept & Strategy

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the Strategy

In our brand idea, we took the Deeptech startup’s approach and combined cells with computer programming. Evolve was particularly interested in bold, audacious illustrations, which would make the complex topic more appealing. We created a strong brand and a landing page where engineers, data scientists, and other interested parties could sign up to be part of Evolve’s journey.


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the Web

Creating the website was a challenge since there was no product or service to showcase at the time and the business idea is abstract and complex. We focused on explaining what the company does and what its scientific process is, placing an emphasis on these sections by creating impactful animations. We used big font sizes so the user can easily digest what is written. Finally, we included a form where interested collaborators with a scientific or engineering background could sign up.

"They really are artistic geniuses!"

The most impressive thing for us was how they could take what we used to describe our company and capture it so beautifully in images. We feel The Branx represented our brand perfectly!

Tarik Shaheen

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